WSpot Exposing Customer Data
An improper configuration of cloud servers can always be a pain. Unfortunately, we’ve seen hundreds of such instances in the past, exposing the sensitive data of thousands of millions of users. And now, WSpot joins the list with its own share. It’s unknown how long the cloud server was left exposed but spotted containing about 226,000 files, leaking identifiable information of more than 2.5 million users. WSpot is a WiFi management software used by businesses to secure their in-house internet hotspot connections and let their customers access the network easily without a password. Some of its clients include Unimed – a healthcare firm; Sicredi – financial services firm. And Pizza Hut. The details leaked in this incident include full name, email address, full address, and taxpayer registration numbers, along with the login credentials created by the customers of WSpot’s clients at the time of the registration process. Soon after securing, WSpot said it assigned an external security firm for investigating the incident. While it’s exploring, it assured that their servers are intact and were not subject to any cyberattacks. Future, no financial information was involved since it doesn’t collect anything like that.