Users will be able to tag not just the creators and hashtags, but also their videos to let their followers see the actual inspiration behind that post. This support comes after a lot of users complained about the lack of proper credits for their viral videos.
Crediting a TikTok Video Properly
Reposting popular content from one platform to another (or even on the same platform) is a very common act today. While few people mention the credits in their repost, most don’t. And this triggers copyright infringement issues in most cases, with big resource teams suing the re-posters, while small original creators settle grumpy. TikTok is one of the many platforms that see this kind of issue every day. Some Black dance creators have even gone on strike from the app, citing how many of their viral dances like the Renegade and the Savage were shared without any credits. Thus, TikTok now came up with a solution to let re-posters cite the credits properly in their videos. Thwarting the parasitic approach of viral content, TikTok said its new support will “better enable creator credit and equitable attribution for our creator community and content originators.” The platform has added a Videos button in the Post panel to let users tag the original video from the actual creator before sharing it with his or her community. This will let the viewers find the source which the posters have found their inspiration from. Also, tagging the original video will notify the creator. Talking about this feature, TikTok’s director of creator community, Kudzi Chikumbu, said;