Waterfall Model

The traditional, step-by-step practice has strong demand due to its conservative, time-tested effectiveness. In the waterfall model, it is easy to manage business processes. Due to the consistency, the development is accompanied by a stable process, a minimum number of conflicts and bugs.

1 Waterfall Model2 V Model3 Rapid Application Development (RAD Model)4 Agile (agile method)

With predetermined deadlines and funding, the risks of accidents are minimized. At the same time, the method is not without drawbacks. The Waterfall Model will only be justified for projects with clearly defined requirements and implementation methods. That is, the ability to change the stages of production, and launch the development process in parallel is limited. The model is not suitable for products at the experimental stage, for start-ups in the “reconnaissance in force” format, for projects where you need to be flexible and provide for an opportunity for operational maneuver when the customer is inclined to adjust the set business task, change deadlines or change positioning. The main disadvantage of the method is the high cost and problematic changes. That is, when “everything goes according to plan”, a systematic and balanced approach gives a positive result, but when the project requires prompt changes, the approved vertical of priorities does not tolerate adjustment.

V Model

The logic of the “step by step” method (step by step). Like the waterfall model, the method is relevant for projects where it is important to ensure an uninterrupted workflow. For example, to design an unmanned control system, rain or motion sensors, security systems, alarm systems, automation systems for production lines. The peculiarity of the practice is that it is used in tandem with rigorous testing. Including checking the performance of each separately developed module. The testing process is carried out in parallel with the development process of each section of the code.

Rapid Application Development (RAD Model)

In RAD modeling, code fragments are developed in parallel by several development teams, much like several standalone mini-projects. The deadline for each module is limited by its own terms. The created components are then integrated into one project. The parallelism of the process allows you to quickly identify errors if something went wrong in the project. This practice can be applied if there is an experienced development staff and relevant experience. Also, the model is appropriate with a thorough knowledge of the consumer niche and the technical details of the development. The main advantage of the RAD method is the high production time.

Agile (agile method)

The flexible model is based on frequent iterations of the result, while the customer can roughly estimate the chances of success already at the development stage. Among the minuses, it can be noted that, due to vague wording, it is problematic to assess financial costs and terms. The workflow is based on short communication between team members and meetings with low frequency, which are called “Sprint” in slang. The technique is suitable for large-scale projects, where it is necessary to obtain a qualitative result in the experimental model. In projects that focus on a long cycle time, the need for adaptation to market conditions is consistently high. Accordingly, as a result of changing data, it is required to make adjustments, change the quality indicators of the product, make suggestions, modernize, and quickly scale up, taking into account the vacant niches. Agile methodology has proven itself in the digital age when consumer preferences change almost every month. As a result of the frequency of increments, changes can be implemented with the least effort and time. To get started with agile development, a little intervention in the workflow is enough.

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