From the excerpt, the file is named as “INDIA-MIX-NEW-01 (fresh skimmeD INDIA base): INDIA MIX TR1+TR2/TR2, HIGH VALID 90-95%, uploaded 2019-10-28 (NON-REFUNDABLE BASE” which is uploaded on September 28, 2019, in Joker’s Stash. The site, Joker’s Stash, is an infamous marketplace in the darknet for such card dumps sales.

What is Card Dumping?

Card Dumping is a technique of capturing the card details (card number and expiry date) when it is swiped or used in any of the skimming machines. Hackers/rippers place skimming machines of such in legitimate cash machines like ATMs, Swiping machines etc. They look alike but slightly varied. Moreover, if you find any such tweaks, inform to executive or authority right away. The database, containing more than 98% Indian cards and 1% Columbian, has a lot (18%) of cards belonging to one Indian bank. While they have been such card dumps previously, they have been in smaller uploads periodically. However, this is the first time a massive database of such is uploaded, and probably the costliest of all the dumps. Ilya Sachkov, CEO and founder of Group-IB, said, “This is indeed the biggest card database encapsulated in a single file ever uploaded on underground markets at once. What is interesting about this particular case is that the dаtabase that went on sale had not been promoted prior either in the news, on card shop or even on forums on the darknet. The cards from this region are scarce on underground markets; in the past 12 months it is the only big sale of card dumps related to Indian banks.” Source: Group IB

More Than 1 3 Million Indian Bank Cards Database Put Up For Sale on Dark Web   TechDator - 27More Than 1 3 Million Indian Bank Cards Database Put Up For Sale on Dark Web   TechDator - 33More Than 1 3 Million Indian Bank Cards Database Put Up For Sale on Dark Web   TechDator - 9